8 Reasons Why Your Emergency Plan Needs Butler Coworking

8 Reasons Why Your Emergency Plan Needs Butler Coworking - a building on Main St Butler PA with many windows

Picture this: It’s the middle of a productive day, and disaster strikes—literally. You need an emergency plan, stat, and a place to land while things settle down. Whether it’s a building fire, unexpected remodeling, flooding, or *gasp* a sudden pest infestation, your business needs a Plan B faster than a cat on a hot tin…

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How to Dive into Podcast and Video Recording in Butler

How to Dive into Podcast and Video Recording in Butler

Are you looking to become the next Ira Glass or YouTube sensation but lacking the budget for a professional studio? Say hello to the DIY Podcasting and Video Recording Room at ConnectWork on Main. Perfectly designed for our community members who are ready to create content but don’t have access to fancy equipment or high-end…

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9 Reasons to Start Your Membership in Butler PA

Hey, entrepreneurs, small businesses, bands, and creative minds! If you’re looking to amp up your productivity game, then it’s time to say goodbye to your makeshift home office and hello to ConnectWork on Main’s sensory-friendly coworking space membership. Let’s dive into why our hot seat memberships and private offices are the perfect solution for helping…

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3 Reasons Why Working from Home is a Terrible Idea

Why Working from Home This Summer Is a Bad Idea

Summer is here, and while the season is synonymous with relaxation, fun, and sun-soaked days, it can wreak havoc on your work-from-home routine. Before you think of setting up your laptop on the porch or in the backyard, consider this: working from home over the summer might not be the idyllic experience you imagine. Hanging…

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3 Ways to Leverage a Nomad Membership in Butler

3 Ways to Leverage a Nomad Membership in Butler

Hey there, remote warriors, home office heroes, and occasional coffee shop escapees! Got a distracting fur baby that can’t stop photobombing your Zoom calls? Or maybe a little one who thinks it’s hilarious to unplug the router right before your big presentation? Yikes! It’s time to introduce a game-changer—your soon-to-be favorite lifeline: the Nomad Membership…

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How to Use Bookkeeping Parties to Get Your Books in Tip Top Shape

At ConnectWork on Main, we’re excited to introduce a new way for entrepreneurs, artists, makers, and small business owners to stay on top of their financial records: Bookkeeping Parties! Scheduled quarterly, these gatherings are designed to provide a supportive, accountable environment for managing your accounting tasks and getting better prepared for year-end financial reviews.  Bottom…

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How to Quickly Achieve Your Goals in Butler PA

Achieve Your Goals in Butler PA with Monthly Check-Ins

In this blog, we’ll explore how monthly check-in sessions at Connect Work on Main can transform your personal and professional life. We want you to achieve your goals, quickly and efficiently. Our mission is to empower individuals to reach their full potential, and it all begins with setting goals and staying accountable. Below we’ll uncover…

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Housekeeper in Butler, Get to Know Nichole Jamison

Housekeeper in Butler, Get to Know Nichole Jamison

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nichole Jamison, a housekeeper in Butler, PA. Co-working spaces, no matter where they’re located in the world, are only as good as their members. We know how important it is to bring people together and share their awesomeness. That’s why we like to do these Get to Know…

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4 Years of Coworking in Butler, Confession Time

4 years of coworking in butler

It’s been four years since I bought ConnectWork on Main, the only place where you can find coworking in Butler, PA. If you want more on that story, be sure to listen to the podcast below. I want to share how we are moving forward, stimulating economic growth in the community, and encouraging people to…

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3 Reasons Coworking Will Save Your Sanity this Holiday Season

holiday season gift wrapping station

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the undeniable buzz of activity – crowded stores, bustling streets, and the ever-present distraction of the festive season. For professionals, this season can often present a unique challenge: finding a quiet, productive environment in which to work amidst the seasonal chaos.  Enter coworking spaces like…

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